4 steps to awareness-raising: children at war.

image1. What is duty of care? In what contexts are you the most likely to find it? http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/duty+of+care

What may/will happen when duty of care is not asserted?

2. Watch the video: http://youtu.be/i019JFORrzY , here students will learn more about the legal notion in question.

Some legalese may be needed.

3. Watch http://youtu.be/GZnBgWd_R2g

4. Ask questions: Do we have a duty? Why? What kind of care we may provide? How can we exercise duty of care in the context provided?

Benefits of the activity/ lesson:
Students learn new concepts from legal English.
Students practise listening in a engaging context.
Students see the war from a different perspective.
Students get more aware of the atrocities of war.
Students are encouraged to take a concrete action – sign the petition.

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